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来源:beat365手机版官方网站Mars Bab…发布时间:2012-12-27浏览次数:32

 1. 段落类型与篇章把握


2. 段落阅读:各种功能段落
 Contrast & Comparison


N0The pure or theoretical scientist does original research in order to understand the basic laws of nature that govern our world. The applied scientist adapts this knowledge to practical problems. Neither is more important than the otherhowever for the two groups are very related.


-nC9R%r%nmb6S0At the University of Kansas art museum investigators tested the effects of different colored walls on two groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings. For the first group the room was painted white for the second dark brown. The experiment revealed that those who entered the dark brown room walked more quickly covered more area and spent less time in the room than the people in the white environment. Dark brown stimulated more activity but the activity ended sooner.这一段便属于有所侧重的一类。作者指出实验在白、棕两种颜色的房间进行,但大多笔墨都用于描述深棕色房间对于人们刺激而带来多动行为的事实,并在说明中采用了一些含比较级的句子,这样白房间里的实验结论便不言而喻了。
对比、比较类段落的布局大致有三种:先比较,后结论,Example 1便是此类;先主题句子,再比较,后结论,Example 2属此类;第三类是先结论,后比较,下面的例子较典型。

 Colors do influence our moods there is no doubt about it. A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand black is depressing…

掌握了上述三种布局类型,对于抓中心思想和领会文章精髓,无疑可起到事半功倍的作用。此外,我们可以通过抓关键词的方法来识别文章中的比较和对比型段落。在阐发比较对象的相同点时,same like similar likewise equal identical这样的词语用得较多。而阐发相异之处时,则多用but however yet nevertheless whereas although despite in spite of even if in contrast by contrast compared with on the contrary等。

 Example 1 中的“one … the other …” Example 2中的“for the first … for the secondExample 3“on the other hand”这些词汇也都是些较常用的比较、对比指示词。另外,在Example 2中还使用了形容词和副词的比较级,这也是比较、对比型段落中常常使用的语言形式。



  When light encounters a cloud of small particles it is diffused. This may be illustrated by a familiar example. When sunlight enters a darkened room through a gap in the blinds it will appear as a brilliray of light. This is because there are tiny particles of dust suspended in the air. These although normally invisible catch and diffuse and strong light shining on them. Thus we can see that diffusion occurs owing to all sorts of impurities in the atmosphere. This explains all the delightfully varied shades of color seen at different times of the day.这里,文章将光的漫射现象引起蓝天白云的景观和阳光穿透缝隙射进暗室的现象进行比较。前者是人们只知其表而不解其中的事物,可谓不熟悉的;后者是日常生活中常见的,可谓熟悉的。如此比较便使得文章生动形象,通俗易懂了。
